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Children born in 2017 & 2018


The U8 division is well-suited for players who are new to soccer, as well as those with prior experience. Our program offers a safe and engaging environment for young players to thrive and have fun with a fresh focus on teamwork, effective communication, and skill development.

Players not only learn the fundamentals of soccer but also how to work as a team.

In this division players will learn the essentials of the game, from understanding positions and formations, develop passing and receiving techniques, and basic skills.

Players engage in games or practices twice a week at St. Julien Park. The season kicks off in May and ends with our highly anticipated Tournament Day in early August.

Field Location: Saint. Julien Park Soccer Fields

15 Tommy Hunter Way Located near Highbury & Hamilton

Season: May - August

Game Day (Two Games Per Week)

Start times are 6:00PM or 7:15PM, alternating from day to day.

  • Girls - Monday & Wednesday
  • Boys - Tuesday & Thursday

Registration includes providing each child with the following items

  • Jersey
  • Soccer Shorts
  • Soccer Socks
  • Soccer Ball
  • Photo (mid season)
  • Trophy or Medal (end of season)