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Lightning Policy (U4-U10)

A. Overview

The safety of players, coaches, management, and spectators is the primary concern in any weather event that occurs during all matches sanctioned by East London Soccer. The referee and/or on-field convenor will make the final decision on whether to play the game. Together a reasonable decision to play or not shall be made with the safety of the people at the field locations of the utmost importance.

B. Guidelines

  • If a severe weather warning has been issued by Environment Canada for a region that encompasses an East
    London field, the referee or on-field convenor shall cancel the game until the warning has been ended.
  • If a severe weather watch has been issued by Environment Canada for a region that encompasses an East
    London field, the referee will consult with the on-field convenor and the coaches to decide what action to take.
    Tools available to help make a decision:
    - A review of the radar information on the Environment Canada website can be used to determine where
    a storm is, and where it is heading.
    - Remember you are in danger of lightning if you can hear thunder. If you can hear thunder then you are
    close enough to the storm to be struck by lightning.
    - If you see lightning, count the time until you hear thunder. If the time is 30 seconds or less, then the
    storm is close enough that you are in danger of being struck by lightning.
  • If one game is called then all the games being played at that location will be called
  • The referee or on-field convenor will call the game
  • When considering the resumption of the game, the on-field convenor will decide if the storm has passed far
    enough that the game can resume.


State of the Game when Called Result
If the Game is called BEFORE half time: The Game MAY be rescheduled.
If the Game is called DURING or AFTER half time: The Game is considered “Official” and the score stands, as of the time the game was called.
If the Game is called BEFORE half time: ELSC will make efforts to reschedule the game.