Becoming a referee is an exciting opportunity to not only deepen your understanding and love for the game of soccer, but also to play a crucial role in ensuring fair play and sportsmanship on the field.

If you haven’t refereed with East London Soccer Club before but have attended a Western Counties Referee Clinic, please email proof of attendance to referee@eastlondonsoccer.ca
Location: Games are primarily held at St Julien Park and Ted Early Park, with additional locations possible for special events.
Referee Categories:
- Centre Referees: Assigned to U6 through adult games.
- Linesmen: Assigned to U12 through adult games and used for U10 training and tournaments.
Advancement: All referees begin with U6 games and move to higher divisions as they gain experience.
Training Requirements:
- Centre Referees: Must attend the Level 1 Western Counties Referee Clinic.
- Linesmen: Must attend both Level 1 and 2 Western Counties Referee Clinics.
Arrival Time: All referees and linesmen must arrive at their assigned fields at least 15 minutes before game time.
How to Apply to Become a Referee?
1. Be 12 years or older
2. Have or Create a PowerUp account https://eastlondonsoccer.powerupsports.com/
3. Click of Volunteer Now! (Don't worry this is a paid position)
4. Select Game Official Application (see attached screenshot)
5. Locate '2024 Outdoor Game Official Application' and click on Apply Now
6. Fill in all necessary fields and check off Referee
7. Click Continue
Once we receive your application it will be reviewed by our referee convenor and you will receive and introduction email with referee clinic information.